Wednesday, September 23, 2009

kalo dulu....

kalo dulu all the thing that we plan will definitely happen..
kalo dulu all people around u love u as much as u love them...
kalo dulu u alwayz get what u want..
kalo dulu u r alwayz get a good result in ur exam...


jangan cepat merungut or mara orrase frust if sometimes things change and it going reversely..

ape yang kita plan akan hancor..byk aral yang akan datang ttbe..
u feel like people dat u love start u ignoring u..doesnt care bout u or they does not love u anymore..
all the thing that you want will take away from u..
you start to fail in ur test walaupun before this ko tak pernah fail..

itu la lumrah hidup orang cakap how much u laugh byk tu jugak la we will cry..
hidup tak selalu nye epy..but we can create the happiness..
setiap ape yg berlaku ade hikmahnye...what we can do?..
juz kuatkan diri and tabahkan hati...and can hide everything..
even u r sad or u r in a bad mood..when you smile and laugh people will not recognize it..
some people said with smile u can give others a happiness and sikit2 u will get the true happiness..senyuman kan 1 sedekah..

last but not least...appreciate the person that love them ur love..sebab dorg akan lebih yakin to move on.... the people around you because you live with it...
love ur life and..
final touch is SMILE AND BE HAPPY..


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