Pada sape yang bace buku Harry potter..this is the last book kn..congrats la pada sape yg berjaye menghabeskan membace semua novel2 Harry Potter ni..antare orangnye adelah kakak aku yang sangat bersemanagat bce sampai sanggup soh akak aku yg dok kat UK utk belikn..kalo aku pyer english ni excellent + aku ni suke membace novel yg tebal cm kamus dewan tu bole la aku menyeronokkan diri lg dgn bace buku die..coz ramai yg ckp bace buku die ngn tgk movie die mmg kate lg feel + lg byk story dlm novel yg xde dlm movie. Ade sorang (membe aku tu..) yg berpendapat sape yg bace novel Harry potter ni mcm die rase sgt spoil ble tgk movie sebab ape yg die imagine ble bace novel is different dr movie yg kadang2 byk part2 best tak ade dalam movie..
* aduss..xkan la nk amek sejibik2 cite dalam novel tu..duration movie die 2 jam stgh je mkck oii...
Ok2 cite pasal movie Harry Potter and the deathly hallows ni plak.. In my opinion movie kali ni is much better dr movie Harry Potter yg sebelum ni, Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. Tapi, aku cm xbape nk paham ngn starting movie ni..
The movie start with Hermione mcm hilangkan memory die from her family..die padamkan sume gambar die dengan family die..Orang-orang kat umh Harry Potter pindah.rasenye tu makcik die..and Ron dkt umh die..but it show mcm dorg tige ni tak wujud mcm kt alam maya gitu..mengapakah? and nape hermoine nk errase all her picture?..agak tidak phm xpela..proceed...
And then sume dtg kat umah Harry Potter and plan to save Harry Potter from Voldermort. Dalam ni Dobby byk tolong Harry the end Dobby mati..agak sedeyh disitu.Tp papepun this part 1 sgt2 seronok..cant wait for the part 2.. ^_^
* Harry Potter wear a skirt..hehe
* beg Hermione = poket doraemon
* tata Dobby (~_~)
~N.Q~0uT (^,^)v
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