Friday, January 23, 2009

me in cake..(^-^)

not to much and not to less for today..juz stay at home...and doing my assgmnt..w0w!!rjnnyew..hehe..nasib bek asgnmnt xbyk sgt..juz math and english..i felt like not really well today..mybe otw to get a fever..evry tyme kal0 cuti n nak kat balik kolej jew mesti saket...kuat tol aura matrik ni..hehe..

but...xsehat2 pon perjuangan memasak harus sifu open her c0oking claz a gud student aku kne f0ll0ws the sifu la..s0...the recipe todays is orange cake..YuHUU!!..hehe..actually not really hard to make dat cake..just yang palinng tought tang nk kacau bagi die kembang 2...rse cm lengan aku da nek muscle da...hehe..
n dari hasil pengacauan aku 2...terhasil la orange cake yang tersangat la chomel...hehe..

gmoknyew kek aku
gemok gile kek aku ~hak cipta terpelihara~

my cake
chomelnyew kek aku...yummy.. (^-^)

~N.Q 0uT~