Tuesday, January 27, 2009

me...tata to h0me sweet h0me (TT.TT)

2 ari xtls blog ni..dun no m0ody sket n xde feel plak nk mbebel dlm 2 ari ni..hehe...myb c0z xde pape yg intresting k0wt...and today kne tls..c0z 2m0row da kne balik kolej da..wuaaaaaaaa (T.T) lps ni xley la nk update new post sllu2..c0z line kt sne pn mmg 'eccellent' gler...

smlm kaklong aku blk..and when die blk mst la de byk xtvt..c0z sume org pn da ade kn..s0 pg td 1st family activiti is g mnd sg.congkak..yay!!syiok2..xcited gler aku nk g c0z da lme xg..lme kew..lme kowt lbey tnsen gak..smpi2 sne jew gk rmai gler org..igt org sume g brye..chinese new year kn..hehe..rpenyew ade gak org2 cina yg braye kt sg.congkak 2..cr0wded gler r tmpt die smpi de org gado2 pasal parkng...isyh3...nmpk sgt slangor ni xbyk tmpt rekreasi..stelah mrempuhi sgale cubaab n dugaan dgn pnoh ksbaran (pot0 seyh ayt..huhuw) at last dpt pn prking..even blog jln gak kn..hehe..sjuk gler3 r sg. die..aku mnd kjap jew pn ttbe plak sket pale dtg ps2 ttbe sjuk n mggigil cm pe jew...spoil tol..xpe r..nxt tyme ley g lg..hehe..
and our last activiti..eating2 la pe lg..hehe..dinner kt restaurant santai bandar tun razak..sblh tsik permaisuri..mknn die ok la..ikn bkr die r fuhhh syiok gler...juz tomyam die kureng pedas..hmmmm...i giv 3 star from 5..

<3 my beloved <3

thats all..the end of the day..tomorow will start a new day..
make it tomorrow better than today..
and take yesterday as a sweet memories of our day...

~N.Q 0uT~

Friday, January 23, 2009

me in cake..(^-^)

not to much and not to less for today..juz stay at home...and doing my assgmnt..w0w!!rjnnyew..hehe..nasib bek asgnmnt xbyk sgt..juz math and english..i felt like not really well today..mybe otw to get a fever..evry tyme kal0 cuti n nak kat balik kolej jew mesti saket...kuat tol aura matrik ni..hehe..

but...xsehat2 pon perjuangan memasak harus sifu open her c0oking claz a gud student aku kne f0ll0ws the sifu la..s0...the recipe todays is orange cake..YuHUU!!..hehe..actually not really hard to make dat cake..just yang palinng tought tang nk kacau bagi die kembang 2...rse cm lengan aku da nek muscle da...hehe..
n dari hasil pengacauan aku 2...terhasil la orange cake yang tersangat la chomel...hehe..

gmoknyew kek aku
gemok gile kek aku ~hak cipta terpelihara~

my cake
chomelnyew kek aku...yummy.. (^-^)

~N.Q 0uT~

3days left in me..

sh0ping...sh0ping...sh0ping...dat's all wut my activiti today wif my mum..xde c0oking2 gak rini..byk gak aku abezkn money mak aku td..hehe..luv u mum..nsb bek la mampu gak aku nk blnje ibuku mkn td..hehe..n0t jz ske2 jew sh0ping td..sh0ping stuff yg aku nk bwk blk k0lej nnt..st0k mknn abez r..huhuw..ble da bli brg2 sume ni cm sdey plak..feels like cm n blk da jew..sobb..sobb (T.T),, 3 day left..afta dat back to sch0ol tyme...huaaaa...xm0 blk phg 2..dun want.....its ok..b strong..s2dy hard get gud result n myb u dun stuck at a middle of phg ni lg..hehe..hope jgn la dpt UMP..
ckp psl nk blk matrik..balik2 matrik ni mst result UPS da ttmpl dgn megahnyew kt board kt inf0 centre 2..cuak2...hope dpt result up..berkat doa ibuku ni insyaAllah bole k0wt..byk plak ckp psl ibuku yg t'ch0mel rini..popular jap ibuku yg nga tido 2..hehe..

td tyme aku ng m'belah2 pe yg aku bli aku nmpk k0mik Le Gardenie yg bru pe lg tros la bli mmb said this is not k0mik but novel grafik..but i want to call it k0mik gak..nk sbot pjg sgt la novel grafik 2..aku bce pye bce skali ni komik yg last la..cpt gler abez..n ending die cm kureng bez la..cite ending psl si apple 2 da tau all the bad things yg lemon da wat n die nk gtau kt orange tp die kne lggr koma n lemon try to murder apple at hopital but de org yg nmpk n..cite..cite..cite..polis pn tau lemon yg wat then wk2 nk tgkp..lemon jtoh tgge n lost her plak sedar n watak die ilang camtu jew..psl orange plak..die dpt surt dr kiwi n die bce srt 2..ps2 the end..mnede pergi si lemon n apple pn n kiwi pn xjmp..xpuas ati tol la ending die..huh!!

~kolesi Le Gardenie aku~

~N.Q _0UT~

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

a day in me...

t0days n0 mum ask me t0 g0 0ut..s0..n0 need t0 c0ok..hehe..
c0oking claz will c0ntinue 2m0r0w with new recipe..syi0k2..hehe (^-^) today activiti is g0 0ut wif my mum...yeY!!..hehe
and the last stop at bdr tun razak..g lunch kt mak siti restaurant..on the way nk g restaurant 2...i saw 1 mini market d0 a campaign b0ut the palestin n boycott the israel..i felt very proud to be malaysian..all our citizen r willing to help othrs who r in a very bad cndition..yay..MALAYSA B0LE!!..hee

People of good conscience have chosen to boycott israel products and companies supporting the zionist entity. Their ethical purchasing decision however is frustrated by the lack of accurate information as to which companies to boycott.

this is some of the product from the israel and america..


try to d0 sumthing to saving the palestin..with heart and sympathy...
xtau pe nk bebel da..dats all for today..


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

mission completed in me...

my target today for me to c0ok is very2 success...yay!!tepuk tangan untuk diri sndr...hehe..
hasil ttik ploh aku mmsk..(xbploh pn sbnrnyew..hehe)
dari aku readykn ingredient2 die..


part dat i like...when i cut the cheese...hehe...1 packet de 6pieces..4 aku ptong..the other 2 tkorban msok dlm prot aku wktu ng potong2 2..hehe..well..bese r adat c00okng2 ni kn...hehe...and the last part dat im waitng for baked my macaroni...
n the result is...

my makaroni bakar.. -hak cipta terpelihara-

i giv 5star for my own makaroni...Yuhuuu!! my mum giv 4star...bole la 2..hehe..
keeP it uP!!!..gambate ne!!

~N.Q 0ut~

Monday, January 19, 2009

Me when H0lidaY

h0liday has started.....YaY!!!!
d0 n0 what to do...bese r..cuti mmg kkadang xtau gak nk watper..
nk kua..pokai r kua ttiap ari..
hmmmmm...suggestion dr ibuku tg t'ch0mel blaja msk...hehe for tomorow...makaroni bakar..(^-^)

makaroni bakar
makaroni bakar...sdpnyew,,,,,

Sunday, January 18, 2009

inTr0 iN me..

ni bkn 1st tyme aku blogging...
tp yg dlu 2 da xtau la pe cite...ttbe jew aku t'ilang ingatan xigt aku gne email n psw0rd per...
2 la gne byk2 email lg...pdn muke...aku wat blk blog ni pn c0z mmb2 aku ajk...
lgpn cuti xde wat pape kn...juz do it...

s0o....wELC0Me 2 mE!!...........