Sunday, March 4, 2012

B.E.N.C.I & C.I.N.T.A


Ada orang kate benci tanda kita care..
Ada orang kata benci tu maknanya sayang..
Ada orang kata benci itu cinta..
Banyak yang orang perkatakan tentang perasaan benci yang kononnya ade rasa laen disebaliknya yg kononnya sgt sweettt..

Macam mana dgn perasaan benci yang sebenar-benarnya dan sebetul-betulnya benci..
Ya.. Ada juga orang cakap benci itu dendam..
n defenitely dendam adalah satu bnde yg sgt3 bahaya yg bole buat org jadi psycho..

Macam mana kita nak membezakan antara 2 benci ni..
Benci = Love / Benci = Dendam

And now...when the feeling come to her heart she needs somebody to talk to..someone that can save her from the hatred.. benci yang mana 1? to who and why?..there is no need to explain bcoz you dont hate someone with no very very painful reason.

Betul juga kata orang membenci ni menyesakkan hati.
There is no reason and no need to think about one person that give you and your love's one pain.
Its more worth to think about people around you that love you more and more.

Trow away all the bad feeling..


Yes..i know, xiexie :p
