start with a house problem...think positive..problem settle..
crik housemate utk tanggung rm1500 sbln...pressure...problem settle..
housemate run away...ttbe nak apply kolej..dr 13 tggl 10 org..still in this problem...
but think positive and learn to save....
permulaan hari2 yang agak tough..but...no pain no gain rite...
subject2 tok sem ni pn sgt2 la tough..mmg kne perah gle2 la otak sem ni..
targer 3.5
good news for this 2010...
pass da car license..sangat seronok..lps ni nk gerak mmne sangat la senang..xyanh nk depends org laen lg...
xspecially g class xyah la tggu bus yg asyik penoh je..n da bole smpi class tpt pada msenye..hehe
hope more good things will happen ni this 2010..n alot to learn..hehe