Monday, April 27, 2009

me and knduri maraton..

fuhhh..3ari ni maraton abg aku kawen..ssungguhnyew mmg pnt gler...tdo lmbt bgon awl..awl kew? aku awl k0wt..huhuw...
tp papepn bez gak..meriah jew...lme xrse meriah cm ni..hehe..sminggu ni xley kua coz kne cyapkn brg2 tok abg aku kawen..and...
Friday 24-april-2009~nikah masjid shah alam

tggu mne pengantin pmpuan ni...

lwk la tok imam ni2..even die pyer khutbah pjg gler..

yay dpt kak ipa da...huhuw

26-april 2009 ~knduri umah pengantin pmpuan

bunge xmaching ngn baju r...

selamat pengntin baru....

26-april-2009~knduri rumah pengntin lelaki

ssungguhnyew aku lth..wpun jd tkang bg telur jew..

TQ pika..jase mu amat dikenang..aku aku blnje ko ea..hehe

my fmily tp xckop siblings la..

3dara pingitn...huahuahua...

and...27-april-2009 arini..aku kne cuci priuk2 n pnggan2...bgos tol aku ni..hmpeh..pnt gler cuci priuk..lps ni aku nk cipta priuk yg pkai buang pnyer la..sng cket..huh...

papepn bez la abg aku kawen..kurang sorg kt umh ni..hehe..k..abez da cite..


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

KMPh alwaYs in me....

it was a very long tyme aku xpost...sbb smmgnyew bz gler kt mtrik 2..s2dy2..n exm ri 2 nk cite psl exm...well...its alot of thing happens in me..

before2 studyweek xseda2 diri lg..still enjoy...

~men b0wling....ktorg jmp dragon balll...~

~Last outing ngn rumate.. (T,T)~

~BBQ wif clazmate..the bez la hav0c la korg..won't forget all of u..~

studyweek pn mnjelma......and start to study hard.....

~cara effective study is mngajar n belajar~

And exm pn mnjelang......

tyme nk exm 2 mmg tnsen glerr la...but..come day to day and ttbe da jumaat and sume paper da lps...fuuuuhhh... and tyme to come back home...

bye2 korg2...hope jmp lg kt U..bye2 blok C1 yg ku syangi..2taun aku dok cni...hope xjmp lg..xmo da dok kt mtrik phang 2 tok kali ke 3taun...n0 way!!! must go on wpun smemngnye i miz very2 much life at destination is University...yay!!
~n.Q 0ut~